Fine cereal products respecting tradition and nature
Rapio Mill is located in the culturally and historically significant traditional landscape of Rapionkoski in Juva. In keeping with the traditional setting, Rapio's products are also created in accordance with old miller's traditions, taking into account modern legislation and technology.
At Mylly, we pride ourselves on the high quality and freshness of our products. When sourcing cereals, particular attention is paid to their purity and suitability for production.
We produce high-quality, local, fresh, minimally processed and additive-free cereal products
- miller Pia Härkönen, Rapion Mill
Before purchase, Rapio's people carry out sensory assessments and quality tests on each batch of grain in the mill's own grain laboratory. Laboratory tests can be carried out on the grain to determine its moisture, sugar content, hectolitre weight and sulphur levels. Freshness is guaranteed by the fact that the mill does not keep stocks: products are only made to order. When they are sent to shops or other customers, they are at the most a few days old.
At Rapio Mill, sustainable development principles are applied throughout the entire production chain. Transport mileage is minimised, and products going to stores are packed in reusable boxes. The waste material from the oat hulling process is used in the heating furnace and the dust flour from the grain milling process is used on a cattle farm in the village. In addition to retailers, you can buy Rapio products directly from the Mill shops.

Rapion Tuote Oy
0400 341 417

D.O. Saimaa -labelled products
- Oat flour
- Rye flour
- Coarse rye flour
- Fish baking flour
- Rye porridge flour groats
- Wholemeal wheat flour groats
- Barley flour
- Wheat wholemeal flour
- Mylläri pancake flour
Flakes and groats
- Oatmeal
- Wholemeal Rye Groats
- Bread grits
- Barley grits
- Porridge grits
- Oat beads
- Rye beads
- Wheat beads
- Barkey beads